Welcome to the Preparedness Challenge! Each month USA Emergency Supply hosts a give away to encourage families to set something aside to prepare for a time of emergency or the unexpected. Those who link up or leave a comment of something they did during the month to be prepared will be entered in the drawing (please take a moment to read the rules at the bottom of the post).
Today's Winner & Give-Away!
Last month's give-away from USA Emergency Supply was 2 food grade buckets with 2 gamma seals... favorite items of mine that I use every day! I'm pleased to announce the winner today...
Donna a.k.a. ddu!
Donna a.k.a. ddu!
This month our give-away item is a Freeze Dried / Dehydrated Vegetable Combo Pack... a great way to get a jump on your food storage for emergencies. Each combo case contains 6 large #10 cans of vegetables including carrots, peas, corn, onions, celery slices, and potato flakes. Great items for making soups or side dishes.
Having dehydrated vegetables on hand isn't just for emergencies. It's great to have these items as a back up for nights when you open the refrigerator and realize that the produce you thought was in the hydrator drawer is actually missing because someone ate it! Or it spoiled. Or you forgot to buy it. Nothing is more frustrating than to be half way through a recipe and realize you don't have that one ingredient!
Two links you might want to check out...
• All About Dehydrated Vegetables
• Storage Life of Dried Foods
Dehydrated foods have come a long way and they aren't like they were 'back in the day'. So be sure to read up on this information for future reference and so you'll be an informed consumer. It also might help you with decisions for your own personal food storage.
How I Met The Challenge!
It was a busy month starting back to school, having two birthdays, and camping out, but I did get a few things accomplished...
• Food Storage: Bought extra olive oil, coconut oil, dried coconut (for granolas and such), bulk sucanat, cans of green chilies, and coconut milk. (Honestly, I didn't THINK I was craving coconut, but I see a theme here!)
• Emergency Preparedness: Picked up a few extra small flashlights to stash around the house, but otherwise, I was a bit weak in this area. Perhaps I'll focus more on this for October.
• Sustainable Living: Bought a new goat!! A little doe that I'll be breeding this winter. (Guess I should post some photos soon.) I also added more vegetables to the fall garden and let one VERY broody hen sit on 6 eggs. We should have some extra chicks mid October! I also bought two books. One on growing winter crops and one on cooking greens.
Now it's your turn to join the Preparedness Challenge..
Having dehydrated vegetables on hand isn't just for emergencies. It's great to have these items as a back up for nights when you open the refrigerator and realize that the produce you thought was in the hydrator drawer is actually missing because someone ate it! Or it spoiled. Or you forgot to buy it. Nothing is more frustrating than to be half way through a recipe and realize you don't have that one ingredient!
Two links you might want to check out...
• All About Dehydrated Vegetables
• Storage Life of Dried Foods
Dehydrated foods have come a long way and they aren't like they were 'back in the day'. So be sure to read up on this information for future reference and so you'll be an informed consumer. It also might help you with decisions for your own personal food storage.
How I Met The Challenge!
It was a busy month starting back to school, having two birthdays, and camping out, but I did get a few things accomplished...
• Food Storage: Bought extra olive oil, coconut oil, dried coconut (for granolas and such), bulk sucanat, cans of green chilies, and coconut milk. (Honestly, I didn't THINK I was craving coconut, but I see a theme here!)
• Emergency Preparedness: Picked up a few extra small flashlights to stash around the house, but otherwise, I was a bit weak in this area. Perhaps I'll focus more on this for October.
• Sustainable Living: Bought a new goat!! A little doe that I'll be breeding this winter. (Guess I should post some photos soon.) I also added more vegetables to the fall garden and let one VERY broody hen sit on 6 eggs. We should have some extra chicks mid October! I also bought two books. One on growing winter crops and one on cooking greens.
Now it's your turn to join the Preparedness Challenge..
Join the Challenge & Enter The Give Away
To be entered in the drawing you must complete the following 2 steps:
1) Either leave a comment
(with your email info - this is required to contact you)
link up your Preparedness Challenge blog post(you only need to comment or post, not both).
2) Your comment or link up MUST include something you did this week to be more prepared in terms of food storage, emergencies, or sustainable living (or all three areas!) Posts not related to at least one of the three areas of preparedness will not be counted toward the give-away. Please be sure to clearly state in your comment or post what you did this month to be more prepared (see my example above as one easy way to do this). Again, the three areas we are focusing on include:
• food storage for life's unexpected events whether related to long term effects from a disaster or a job loss and everything in between
• emergencies for times of power outages, natural disasters, and such
• sustainable living in order to be more independent, both physically and financially, and to live as close to the land as possible given each individual's situation
Please be respectful of our challenge and only add a post on one of these three preparedness topics ONLY in order to retain the integrity of the link up event. If your post is just a general homesteading post, please save it for the Monday Homestead Barn Hop.
NOTE: This challenge and give-away endsFriday, August 31 Friday, October 5 at 11:59 p.m. PST.
Be sure to take the Preparedness Challenge picture and add it to your blog so others know you're participating and hopefully they'll join up, too! THANK YOU!!
NOTE: This challenge and give-away ends
Be sure to take the Preparedness Challenge picture and add it to your blog so others know you're participating and hopefully they'll join up, too! THANK YOU!!
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