Friday, September 21, 2012

Inspiration Friday: It's Fall Y'all!

Well, technically, tomorrow (Saturday, September 22, 2012) is the first day of autumn. Let's just pretend for a moment, shall we? I adore fall and I want to get in every moment that I can! 

I'm strolling through my pin collection today and sharing a few favorites with you. And I'd like to invite you to follow my Pinterest page. Just scroll down the right side bar and look for the section on "Follow". Please feel free to pin Homestead Revival photos; I just ask that you double check that they link back to my site. Thank you for being so kind! (I always try to do the same... sometimes I spend half an hour tracking back a photo to the original source!)

Let's get this party started...

This is one of my own photos... a favorite fall picture I took of a couple of my "girls". That's an apple tree in the background... don't you love it! Flowers in spring, fruit in summer, golden leaves in fall... lots of bang for my buck! Definitely plant some apple trees for your garden next year... bare root is best.

Speaking of apples....

Nothing says fall like apples and pumpkins. Here on the mountain, we grow lots! The view when driving back and forth to town is amazing... orchards dot the valleys with row upon row of apple trees, all for our autumn cooking and decorating.

Apples for apple crisp...

Apple Crisp & Photo Credit
Photo Credit
Imagine this wreath on your door!

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A new twist on carmel apples? I think... YES!

Photo Credit
Every porch needs some pumpkins...

Photo Credit
You can always visit a pumpkin farm, but have you considered growing your own? They're lovely in the garden! Be sure to select the variety that will produce what you're wanting... there are pumpkins for carving, for baking, for unusual variety, and even different colored pumpkins.

Photo Credit #1 and Photo Credit #2

Just because it's a bit cooler, doesn't mean you can't dine alfresco. An outdoor lunch in the fall is divine! And depending on your local climate, you could even host Thanksgiving outdoors.

Country Home (no longer in print)
A few well placed fall decorations are always nice. I like to use natural elements as much as possible.

Photo Credit
And why not grace your table in the evening with the remains of the flowers. Mums are a great fall option along with some greenery.

Photo Credit
Let the kids go on a leaf hunt and add some window art...

Photo Credit
You really should reserve a Saturday morning or Sunday afternoon to take a scenic drive and check out all the changing leaves! And if you don't mark it on your calendar, it probably won't happen. To hit your drive at it's peak, visit the Fall Foliage Weather Map on The Weather Channel.

Photo Credit

While you're out and about, autumn is a great opportunity to take advantage of lower rates on cabins and campgrounds, hotels, and rentals. Just take plenty of gloves, scarves, and hot chocolate so you can bundle up and take a hike! (Top 10 Fall Foliage Destinations)

Photo Credit
In all the hustle and bustle of fall, take some time to just sit... absorbing the season and changing nature around you...

Photo Credit

after all... autumn does not last forever. Time is fleeting and winter anxiously awaits its own arrival...

Photo Credit
I guess the fact that it seems too short makes me appreciate it all the more!


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