Friday, September 7, 2012

Inspiration Friday: Chicken Carton Labels

I realize that most of us don't package our eggs and make them look all pretty for home use, but occasionally you want to share the bounty. Seriously, who wouldn't want a lovely carton of fresh farm raised eggs? Personally, I think they make a lovely hostess gift when visiting friends. 

If you sell your fresh eggs, most people are going to go wild over them anyway (I mean, once someone tastes the difference, can they ever really go back to an anemic factory farmed egg?). You can seal the deal for life and secure those customers with a little extra service... like pretty packaging. So today's Inspiration Friday is dedicated to beautifying your presentation.

The first is my own creation. However, I confess that I'm constantly changing how I present them. This just happens to be one of several favorites. I printed up some labels I made on my computer, added a ribbon, and voila!

I also have an embosser that I use a lot. It has a hen and says "From the Garden of Amy Walker". I really think I need one that says "Sweetwater Farm Fresh Eggs", don't you think?

If you want something that adheres directly to the carton, Kathy Mormino creates custom egg carton labels like the one below. She can customize it or you can select from one of her many creations.

Sibylle at Funkytime created these Retro Easter Egg sleeves, but they could easily be adapted to for an every day delivery. Fabric, craft paper, even recycled newsprint... let your imagination run wild!

Sometimes 3-6 eggs is a better option. Especially for single adults who eat them only on special occasions (that's every day, right?).  I think this triangle package is awesome! Make a form to crank them out quickly and use recycled cardboard... let the kids help!  Oh, so cute!

Okay, so let's talk labels (I LOVE labels... what's with that?). Here are some favorites I found (in rapid fire succession)...

PJM of Old Picture of the Day has chickens that will lay custom eggs for you...

Abbey Ley created a lovely label for someone who wanted to share eggs with friends....

MarinMoma made her own and they're really cute! I'm not positive, but I think they're hand stamped.

Here's another label from Rosehaven Cottage you can customize and purchase. Isn't the chicken wire background cute? They're actually vinyl, like a bumper sticker, so the price is a bit higher. You'll want to get these cartons back to reuse.

I always seem to go back to the things that are simple and timeless, like Ashley D. Surber's black and white labels. I never get tired of this look...

Perhaps I'll host a contest one day... everyone could link up their best dressed egg carton. What do you think?


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