Thursday, March 8, 2012

Winner: Preparedness Challenge #32

This month, over 60 people linked up and met the challenge to prepare by storing food, purchasing emergency supplies, or doing something to make themselves more sustainable on their own land! Way to go friends! You encourage me whenever I read your blog posts or comments. It's good to know others are working toward some of the same goals.

Thanks to our sponsor, USA Emergency Supply, we had a lovely giveaway for some mylar food storage bags, two food grade buckets, and some oxygen absorbers. Our winner was...

Congratulations, Indio! I'll be in touch. I'm sure you'll find a good use for these great items!

Don't wait until next month to start preparing, do a little something all month long and it will surely add up! I look forward to seeing your posts the last Saturday of March when we link up again and have another great give-away!


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