Life has been busy at my own homestead the past two weeks, so I apologize for the lack of posts recently. There are just seasons in everyone's life where this kind of thing happens and so hopefully, this next week will be a bit quieter and I can get caught up on writing.
One thing that's been keeping me busy is a new ministry opportunity... Global Media Outreach. I've been training as an online missionary to answer people who respond to a gospel presentation on line. Let me say... it's been a bit challenging to say the least! Okay, I probably just scared a bunch of people off from considering this ministry, but it's not THAT difficult. I'm just slow at reading and writing, so it takes me a while. Plus, I have to think like someone who is NOT an American. But the joy of getting to be a part of discipling new believers... incredible!
Then there's the goats, the chickens (lost another one to the bobcat... that's a total of 5, but this one died of shock after being traumatized by the bobcat), and now I'm thinking I may move my garden. When I tell my husband this, he'll think I've lost my mind! The problem is... on 4.5 mountainous acres, there is one spot that is ideal for both the garden and the goats, but I can't do both in the same space. So I'm trying to think if there is another place that will work for the garden that I've not considered before. Probably not, but oh it would make things so much easier to put the goats there!
And the bees... I need to decide where to put them this year since I'm starting over. Wouldn't it be wonderful to have a Homestead Designer who would come to your land and help you make decisions like this based on the best use of your land? I actually have a friend who's brother does this for larger ranches and farms (mega ranches and farms, really), but I couldn't afford him, I'm sure! It's too bad because the small homesteader needs this as much as anybody! Oh, I could really run with that thought!
Join The Barn Hop!
Jill @ The Prairie Homestead
Kendra @ New Life on a Homestead
Kelly @ The Morris Tribe
1. Write a blog post about what's going on at your homestead or a post on something you're learning or an item of interest that will benefit the homesteading community. Be sure to add the red barn button and link back here so others can join in the fun.
2. Come back here and enter your information in the Linky. Please be sure to link to your actual post (click your title and then copy the URL above) and not your home page so those participating later in the week can find your post easily.
3. If you don't have a blog, leave a comment and tell us what's going on at your homestead!
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