Thursday, January 12, 2012

Raising Homemakers

Well, the cat's already out of the bag, so to speak, but I couldn't help but share a bit of news anyway... I'm just a wee bit exited, to say the least!

Raising Homemakers has kindly extended an invitation for me to join them as one of their contributors along with several other wonderful bloggers!

Such an honor! And of course, I was pleased to accept. Their mission, to teach and prepare daughters in the art of homemaking, is in keeping with my own... I just hope I can contribute as well as these other beautiful women of God have done. Your prayers for this new adventure would be greatly appreciated!

If you haven't visited Raising Homemakers yet, I'd like to encourage you to do so. You'll find a wealth of information and thoughts that will give you plenty to meditate on, a weekly link up on Wednesdays that is outstanding, and a new Raising Sons Corner (coming soon!) for those of you with young men. Topics on the blog cover everything from parenting to sewing and everything in between. Be sure to spend a little time there browsing through some past posts because the words of wisdom within them is timeless.

Thank you, Raising Homemakers! I'm blessed to be numbered among you!

What topics relating to Raising Homemakers (or sons) would you like to see?


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