I'm finally starting to feel like I'm catching up after 2+ weeks on the road (and I'm going to do it again in July!!). As promised, here is the list of winners from the Great Holiday Barn Hop...
Carmi (carmisquilting…)- 8 oz. Goat Milk Lotion from Anderson Family Farms
Shanon (foodfarm…)- 2 dozen Tattler reusable canning lids
Sarah (willowhomestead…)- $15 GC Lilla Rose
Lisa (modernvintage…)- 4 ebook bundle from Modern Alternative Mama
Jennifer (faithful…)- Momo’s Retro Fashions apron
Tykes Mom- GNOWFGLINS ebook or subscription
Babychaser- Hand Plunge Washer from Forgotten Way Farms
Renata (sunnyside…)- The Everything Beans Book eBook from Kitchen Stewardship
Laurie (commonsense…)- Counter-top Compost Keeper from Pantry Paratus
Kristin (sweetcountry…)- Ann Voskamp’s book One Thousand Gifts
Alice (farewell…)- Emergency Survival Seeds Packet from Hometown Seeds
Angela (searching4…)- $15 gift certificate to Print Candee
Michelle (simplify…)- Back Yard Food Production Food Production Systems DVD and Alternatives To Dentists DVD
April (aprilshome…)- Cultures for Health grains and starters
Jill (greenbean…)- 3 Day Lite Emergency Kit from Emergency Essentials
And The Grand Prize For Best Dressed Homestead...
The Homestead Blessings: Household Skills Collection DVDs from Franklin Springs
from Megan @ Restoring The Roost!
Note: Megan also had a second post later in the week with more of her decor which you might want to check out: Greenery and Garlands - Exterior Christmas Decor
The winner of the "No Blog" Prize...
Kate of NY!
Congratulations to all of the winners from all of us barn hop ladies!! And a huge thanks to everyone who participated in our first Great Holiday Barn Hop! Don't forget to visit our sponsors this month - especially if you got money gifts for Christmas. You could do some great shopping for yourself and your homestead!
While you're here today, you'll see that I've changed some of the featured posts over on the right sidebar. January just begs for organizing at home!
While you're here today, you'll see that I've changed some of the featured posts over on the right sidebar. January just begs for organizing at home!
Join The Barn Hop!
Jill @ The Prairie Homestead
Kendra @ New Life on a Homestead
Megan @ A Blossoming Homestead
1. Write a blog post about what's going on at your homestead or a post on something you're learning or an item of interest that will benefit the homesteading community. Be sure to add the red barn button and link back here so others can join in the fun.
2. Come back here and enter your information in the Linky. Please be sure to link to your actual post (click your title and then copy the URL above) and not your home page so those participating later in the week can find your post easily.
3. If you don't have a blog, leave a comment and tell us what's going on at your homestead!
Please Note: As hostesses of the Homestead Barn Hop, please understand that we reserve the right to remove any links that are not family friendly. While this may be subjective, we will err on the side of caution in order to keep our blogs appropriate for all readers. Thank you for your understanding!
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