With school being out, it can either be a help or a hinderance. In one aspect, most of us don't have lessons and grading to contend with, but then there's all those back to school doctor appoints, vacations, summer camp, VBS,...
Don't be too hard on yourself if you miss a week here and there. Just get back up the next week and do one thing!
This week I spent most of my free time on some house organization, but for the preparedness challenge...
• We got the laundry line off and we are no longer using the dryer except for a few towels. I've tried all the tips, such as popping them in the dryer for just a second after line drying, etc. And while these tricks do help, we just appreciate the very soft towels for drying our tender bodies off - LOL!! But we COULD line dry if we need to, and that is a success in my book!
• My first lacto-fermented pickles were a success! I could use a little more dill in them next time, but very nice all the same. So I feel like I'm getting down another skill, although I have a lot to learn!
• The sourdough starter has been doing beautifully and I'm making all kinds of great things. I haven't used store bought yeast all week! So although I haven't ADDED anything in this area to my food storage, I feel like I've started to eliminate a real need.
• I signed up to be on a list to take a CERT class this fall. CERT stands for Community Emergency Response Team. I'd like to hear from anyone who knows more about this program. While it is a government program, it's run by locals in our little community and they really seem to want to be able to take care of ourselves as much as possible and not depend on FEMA so much. Any thoughts?
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To join the Preparedness Challenge, just write a pots on something you did this week to prepare and then link up below or leave a comment. Be sure to take the Preparedness Challenge Picture and add it to your blog so others know you're participating and hopefully they'll join up, too!
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