Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Give Away: Health For Godly Generations!

If you've read any of my Food Journey posts, you know that I started my homesteading adventures by reading Rex Russell's book What the Bible Says About Healthy Living. Russell has since gone on to be with the Lord and yet, God has not left us without teachers to guide us. He has given others a similar vision to educate people in healthy food choices despite the mass amount of poor quality food on the market. And Renee DeGroot is a young lady for such a time as this!

I'm currently reading Renee's book Health For Godly Generations and I can say without a doubt that she has some wonderful insight into the theology and theory of food from a Biblical perspective! Her biblically reformed world view is woven throughout the chapters as she discusses thoughts we need to consider in order to make wise choices - lifelong food decisions that will effect our health and ultimately how God will use us in kingdom work. (Note: God always can and will use us as He sees fit - healthy or otherwise; however, being good stewards of what He has given us is pleasing to our Lord).

The subtitle of her book, "A Reformational Perspective", reflects her view of applying the whole and authoritative counsel of Scripture into every day life, including what the Believer eats. While she acknowledges we are certainly not subject to the Old Testament dietary restrictions for our spiritual standing before God (salvation), she does exhort the reader that we should be set apart by our food choices, gleaning from scripture and wise counsel, how we should treat our bodies and the kinds of foods we consume.

If you're just beginning your food journey into healthy eating, this book would be an excellent resource to help you understand why it's so important. If you don't have a good grasp of why you're making dietary changes, when things get tough, you'll go back to the old ways of eating. But once you've read Renee's book, I believe your mind will have been transformed so that you see food differently than you ever have before. And it will have practical results in your life on a day to day basis.

For those of you homeschooling and hoping to teach a home economics course to your high school student, Health For Godly Generations would be an ideal text to use in your class. Since it covers some of the practical aspects as well as the theology, your student would have a biblically balanced course and know WHY they need to make healthy food choices.

Perhaps you've been eating healthy for years, but just need a refresher as to why it's so important to do so. Renee's book would be a great review and just might inspire you to take it up a notch! Or, at least not to throw in the towel. Healthy eating is for life, an Renee will whip you back in to shape in no time! By chapter four, I realized I had slipped in a couple of areas and I needed to get back on track and remain committed to my health.

Enter The Give-Away!

1. Visit Renee's website and find out more about her new book, get to know her a bit, and investigate some of her links. Come back here and leave a comment telling me why you would like to win this book. Please leave an email address if you do not have a blog.

2. Sign up or Renee's Newsletter and you can come back here and leave a second comment for another chance to win.

* Note: your comment/entry will not appear right away. Other than a preview copy of Health for Godly Generations, I have not been compensated in any way. As always, I try to give my honest opinion on products I review.

This give-away ends Saturday, July 30th at 11:59 p.m. PST.
This give-away is now closed.


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