Monday, December 31, 2012

Christmas Vignette

Just for fun...

With a red and white theme this year (and a few green, brown, and black accents), these were some of my favorite things that didn't show up on the Farmhouse Christmas Home Tour. And I was finally able to use some of that mismatched flatware I've collected at thrift stores and my French inspired numbered napkin rings for our Christmas Day meal.

A bit sad to pack it all up as I've enjoyed it so much. But everything has it's season and now I have a few photos to remind me how I decorated in 2012 (so I can do it again next year, Lord willing).

I still enjoy looking at photos of my mom's Christmas decorations and I'm sure my girls will do the same. So don't forget to take a few snapshots of your own home before you put the decorations to rest in the attic.

Here's to 2013!


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