As I was perusing all the wonderful posts on the 59th Homestead Barn Hop, I came across Julia's post about her new garden boxes at Throwback Road and I thought... what a GREAT garden! It's not only practical, but it's going to LOOK lovely, too! Then I re-read the title and realized she is doing this on her Colorado SUBURBAN homestead! Way to go, Julia!!
Here's what I liked about her garden that may help some of you when planning...
• She planned this well on paper before beginning, considering her needs
• She placed it well on her property, in a "nook", off to the side a bit, leaving her some family space still in tact
• The boxes are uniform and yet, laid out in a pattern so as to utilized the ENTIRE space and fill it out; it doesn't look like a box or two just stuck in the yard
• She considered her pathways as well. A combination of repurposed flagstone and pea gravel will keep her from trekking through mud or worrying about mowing in between rows.
• Most of the paths will allow her to get a wheel barrel or other type of cart down the rows.
• And of course, it's in full sun
Well planned and executed, Julia! I can't wait to see how it progresses over the summer. And I hope this encourages all you urbanites, soon to be "urban farmers"!
Join The Barn Hop!
Jill @ The Prairie Homestead
Kendra @ New Life on a Homestead
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