Monday, February 13, 2012

Barn Hop #49

Welcome! Our weekly Homestead Barn Hop is here for you to link up your post on homesteading and visit other homesteaders via the internet! Hostesses, Jill, Kendra, Kelly, and I are so blessed to have each of you help cultivate the homesteading community by participating each week.

Things have been busy around here and our lives have just taken a new turn. Meet the newest edition to our little herd... Dance Hall (I did not name her that - she came with the name!). A sweet Nigerian Dwarf doe who is already giving us milk! I just got her Saturday, so this quick picture is all I have for now, but hopefully I'll have more soon. I think she'll be a nice addition to our homestead and a good fit for us so we can learn how to milk regularly. She stands perfectly while being milked, even without a stanchion. Such a little lady!

The three Kinders have been tested for CAE and CL, two diseases that you want to know our goats do NOT have, and they have a clean bill of health. Next on the agenda is to breed Fiona, our Kinder doe; hopefully next weekend.

What's happening at your homestead this week?

Join The Barn Hop!
and Amy @ Homestead Revival...

...invite you to link up and share your homesteading adventures!

1. Write a blog post about what's going on at your homestead or a post on something you're learning or an item of interest that will benefit the homesteading community. Be sure to add the red barn button and link back here so others can join in the fun.

2. Come back here and enter your information in the Linky. Please be sure to link to your actual post (click your title and then copy the URL above) and not your home page so those participating later in the week can find your post easily.

3. If you don't have a blog, leave a comment and tell us what's going on at your homestead!

Please Note: As hostesses of the Homestead Barn Hop, please understand that we reserve the right to remove any links that are not family friendly. While this may be subjective, we will err on the side of caution in order to keep our blogs appropriate for all readers. Thank you for your understanding!


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