Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Planning The Goat Barn

The temporary corral is up and the shed is just about finished, so I'm moving forward while my husband gets that little project finished and I'm planning the permanent Goat Barn. Like the fencing, this is something I've thought about for ages. Since I'm only going to get one shot at this, it needs to be right the first time. So I'm humbly laying out my plans before my brilliant readers for any last minute advice and input. 

Obviously, there are more frugal avenues to goat housing. Especially where the climate is more moderate. Here on the mountain, one can expect cold temperatures 8-9 months of the year. Add to that, a steady wind (thus the windfarms here) and snow. I don't really want an outdoor milking parlor and hay needs to be protected from the elements as much as the goats. Finally, add in the age factor (I'm not a spring chick anymore and neither is my husband). We need to be proactive with what we MIGHT need in the future as well as our current needs.

Kim at Life in a Little Red Farmhouse has built my dream barn. We've been talking and I think it's going to be a great solution for our needs. (Be sure to visit Kim; she has a fantastic blog and her Red Farmhouse is darling!! The more I look at her blog, the more I'm sure we're kindred spirits.)

Used by permission - Life in a Little Red Farmhouse

Each area is small, but since I plan to keep only about 4 goats of smaller breeds, I don't think I should need a larger space. A second pen for kidding will serve as an area to separate goats when needed as well as a walk way from the main goat pen to the milking parlor. The back door on the hay storage area will allow us to stack from the outside, but we can access it from the inside and easily reach both pens. A solid wall should help keep out some of the debris from getting into the milk, but I need to decide if I'm going to put a lower roof on the milking palor on the inside as well since the plan has the barn open all the way to the rafters. 

I need some natural light in the barn. Although I have some old windows I picked up at the rummage sale this summer, I love the look of three square windows all running together. And since these windows can be located up high, the goats can't get to them as easily and break them.  I'll probably add an extra one at the peak on the ends as well. At $20 each, they won't break the bank and yet they'll add a lot of charm, don't you think?

Then there is the need for electric lighting. I found these warehouse style lights for only $25 each! I think they'll work really well in this application. (I have antique versions of these in white on my front porch and I love them, although they need dusting once in a while.

The floor will be dirt or crushed granite. Kim used crushed rock on hers and said it works really well with hay on top.

Used by permission - Life in a Little Red Farmhouse

Gaps under the eaves will allow for needed ventilation.

Used by permission - Life in a Little Red Farmhouse

I still need to decide on doors and gates, but I have enough to at least get started and estimate costs, submit my plans to my Homeowners Association, and get the ground graded and ready.

Thanks, Kim, for sharing! I hope your own barn gives you years of joy!

Please share your thoughts and any suggestions you think would make this the best goat barn ever!


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