Saturday, June 11, 2011

Preparedness Challenge #12

Saturday again? Wow. It's coming around faster and faster. Wasn't it just Saturday the day before yesterday? I'm sure it was!

So, how are you doing in the preparedness department? Doing one thing a week to prepare is actually kind of challenging at times, isn't it? By the fact that more of you are linking up each week (27 last Saturday), I'm guessing you're doing better than me! Way to go everyone - that's so encouraging!

I'll be honest. I'm trying to keep up by making preparedness a lifestyle, but new habits are hard to establish sometimes. Especially when life gets busy or is interrupted by the unexpected. When things like this happen, we tend to fall back on our old way of doing things and not doing the new stuff. 

My friend, Mona at Healthy Homesteading, outlined three areas of preparedness that covers just about everything in terms of food and it's acquisition:

1) Storing Nutritious Food
2) Sustainable Living
3) Useful Skills and Items for Trade

Think about all that these three things cover... everything from food storage methods to learning how to hunt and fish for food and eat it on the spot. 

So you'd think I would have covered at least one thing this week, right? Okay, here's one thing that I can say...

My kefir is finally working well!

Yahoo! It's taken quite a while to get those grains not only rehydrated, but growing and making a bubbly kefir. I feel like I've really accomplished something. For some reason I just could not move forward in the Cultured Dairy class until I got this down. It wasn't a requirement by any means, but it was just a personal thing. Now to get use to the taste in something other than a smoothie! I hope to try ice cream soon.

On the other hand, a couple of weeks ago I accidentally used my yogurt mother culture that was going so well in a smoothie. How I did that, especially when I always label them with a sharpie, I'll never know! 

So, perhaps I can do better next week! Life happens and being legalistic about it won't make for a pleasant preparedness journey.  But don't let me off the hook entirely. Part of this is the accountability and I need it! How about you?

Join The Challenge

To join the Preparedness Challenge, just write a post on something you did this week to prepare and then link up here or leave a comment below.


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